A transformational, circular economy, pallet reuse scheme for the UK construction sector


Merchant, House Building Company,
Principal contractor or Waste Contractor

Set up an account and book a collection

We collect all green LOOP and other branded and unbranded white pallets. Don’t forget, you will get up to a £4 LOOP Payback for all green pallets collected and £2 for damaged green pallets that are not beyond economical repair. 


If your business hasn’t already set up an account with The Pallet LOOP for collections, this will need to be organised centrally by head office (not at a branch / local site level).

 Email setmeup@thepalletloop.com and a member of the team will be in touch within three working days to discuss requirements.

 Once your account is set up, it’s easy to book a collection. Call us on 0800 024 6130  or email  collections@thepalletloop.com.

Alternatively, click on the button below: 

I’ve got some green pallets

What should I do with them now?

Don’t skip them. Each green pallet put back in the LOOP is worth up to £4  and £2 for a damaged pallet that can’t be reused. 

Step 1: After use, stack all pallets (green and white) in one location, no more than 2.4m high (approx. 19 pallets), ensuring each stack is stable and ready for loading.

Step 2: Book a collection. Collections of white and green pallets can be booked to take place in as little as 72 hours.