A transformational, circular economy, pallet reuse scheme for the UK construction sector

Pallet Collections

So, you’ve got one of our lovely green pallets, what next?

The Pallet LOOP is a business to business service, and will only collect from registered return partners that are likely to accumulate a significant number of pallets to meet our minimum collection quantities otherwise collection charges apply. Any householders or general builders that end up with a green LOOP pallet are advised to return them to their nearest builders merchant.

If your business hasn’t already set up an account with The Pallet LOOP for collections from larger sites, this will need to be organised centrally by head office (not at a branch / local site level). Email setmeup@thepalletloop.com and a member of the team will be in touch within three working days to discuss requirements.

Once you have an account set up, and you would like us to pick up any pallets from your site (green or otherwise), fill out the form below, email collections@thepalletloop.com or
call our team on: 0800 024 6130.


Why is there a label on each LOOP pallet?

Look at our green LOOP pallets and you’ll notice they are each fitted with a special label that includes a QR code and a ‘radio tracked’ logo. What does this mean?

Scan the QR code with your phone and you’ll find yourself back at this page, where you can access information about how to book a LOOP collection. The ‘radio tracked’ element refers to the RFID (radio frequency identification) system we’re using to track pallets in and out of our LOOP pallet manufacturing sites and collection hubs. 

By scanning pallets before they are issued and once they’ve been collected, we are able to accurately monitor the profile of pallet returns across the construction sector.

Each label has a unique reference number, with the associated scanning data telling us when individual pallets were issued, when they came back to LOOP, and – importantly – how many times they have been through the construction supply chain.

As well as telling us about our pallet recovery rates, this process helps us generate tons of useful data about waste savings, timber usage and our collective carbon reduction efforts.

Check out the flyer opposite for more information. You can also read more about our use of RFID technology here.